It depends on whereabouts you look at any situation in your life. It could be a comedy or a tragedy. Also this is always valid for everything.
 I would like to give an example about this case so you can understand easily.

When the strong religion of Islam started pressure in our country –nearly 15 year ago- something strange situations started too. At the beginning we saw some women in the street covered black large dress on their whole body. 
It was really weird for us and we could not accept them inside of us. So when we had visitors from other country especially Europe and when they asked about them we explained those women were not from our country. They were from Arabian countries and they were Arabic. It was funny for us while we were talking like that. But in time it started being tragedy. Because their numbers were getting increase day by day. It means the dark ages are coming to our brilliant country. 

But... We do not allow that! Educated people and also their children who believed the principles of Mustafa Kemal never never allow to darkness...

We will win!...
